Preparation for infant baptism joins families together to discuss this important sacrament and the role it plays not only in the lives of the newly baptized, but the entire family as well. Preparation meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Parent(s) must be a registered, participating member(s) of the parish. Pre-register by calling the Parish Center at 637-8374. To schedule reception of the sacrament if baptism for your child, contact the Parish Center. Baptisms take place at weekend Masses.
The ordinary weekly time for the sacrament of reconciliation is Saturday, 3:00-3:45 p.m., or by appointment. The reconciliation room is located on the north side of church and provides opportunity for both anonymous and face to face celebration of the sacrament. First time reception of this sacrament takes place in grade 2. Additional celebrations of the sacrament are held during the seasons of Advent & Lent.
Preparation for the celebration of first Eucharist is for individuals from grade 2 and older. Through the preparation process, these individuals and their families deepen their understanding of the sacred mystery of the Eucharist. The actual reception of first Eucharist is celebrated in May. Contact John Clarke at the Parish Center.
Teenagers who have reached 16 years of age and are juniors in high school or those who have not received this sacrament are eligible for the sacrament of confirmation. The process involves the confirmation candidate, their parent(s), and their confirmation sponsor. Eligible teens will be notified by mail and invited to bring their parents to an orientation meeting. Class sessions begin in September. The program includes attending a day-long retreat, community service projects, and other activities to enrich the candidate's understanding and appreciation of the Catholic faith. Confirmation is celebrated with the bishop at a multi-parish liturgy. Contact John Clarke at the Parish Center.
Trained parish couples assist the pastor in ministry to those preparing for the sacrament of marriage. Couples planning to be married at St. Richard's must be registered, practicing members of the parish. Non-members are asked to register and become active in the parish before coming forward for marriage. Arrangements must be made six months in advance of the wedding date. For an appointment on marriage preparation, call the Parish Center at 637-8374.
Anointing of the sick is often scheduled at different times throughout the year during a weekend liturgy. Individual anointing can be requested by calling the Parish Office.
All issues regarding funeral arrangements must be brought directly to the pastor. The pastor can be contacted through the Parish Office.