The St Vincent de Paul food pantry helped over 1,000 people in October! Items especially needed at this time are Peanut Butter, Ravioli, Spaghetti Sauce, Fruit, Canned Meat, Instant Potatoes (boxed), Pasta Sides, Chicken Noodle Soup, Tomato Soup, Stewed Tomatoes, Diced Tomatoes, Pork and Beans, and Toilet Paper.
The pantry continues to purchase: Frozen Meat, Milk, Margarine, Eggs, and Cheese. Grocery gift cards (think of the SCRIP program at St. Richard’s) are welcome, or please make your check payable to “SVDP Food Pantry”.
Personal hygiene items are always needed for meal program neighbors. There is a basket in the elevator alcove outside of Church where you can put food and hygiene items you would like to donate. Please consider donating to this mission.
Please contact Ann Wirtz directly if you would like to make a financial contribution. Email: or call 262-930-0511.
Thank you and God Bless You for your continued support!