Men, women and young adults (age 16 and older) are invited to participate in the ministry of music by singing in the St. Richard Adult Choir. Practices are held on Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. No previous music experience is required and no audition is necessary. If you are interested please call the parish office.
Men and women of all ages are invited to sing with our St. Richard Funeral Choir. No prior singing experience is needed. This choir leads the assembly in the singing of hymns and refrains for the funeral liturgy. There is no weekly rehearsal and members can sing whenever they are available for a specific funeral liturgy.
This ministry provides vocal leadership and direction during our liturgical celebrations. Those interesed in this important musical ministry will need to meet with the Director of Music for a short audition and instruction before being assigned for various Mass dates and times. If interested, please call the parish office.
Parish members who play a musical instrument and would enjoy enhancing our liturgical services are encouraged to contact the parish office.